(first round)
We live a ring around the Atlantic, coast to coast.
And we see right through the static, don’t you know?
And the end of all our travels*
Unveils a pattern of control
For the first time we will know
A ring around the Atlantic, coast to coast.
We live a ring around the Atlantic, and its lows
Through markets the drug companies control.
And the interests of interest in
Capital clothes
William Hearst has a ghost.
And he’s writing again at the Post.
A ring around the Atlantic
A ring ‘round the Atlantic
A ring around the Atlantic, coast to coast.
We live a ring around the Atlantic, coast to coast
Economies of knowledge enclosed
And movements for access
Gather; oppose
Citizens of control
A ring around the Atlantic coast to coast.
A ring around the Atlantic
A ring ‘round the Atlantic
A ring around the Atlantic, coast to coast.
A ring around the Atlantic
We see right through the static
A ring around the Atlantic, coast to coast.
* See T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”